Our implementaion can support various underlying messaging systems. Curently, NaradaBrokering messaging system (version 0.98rc1), openJMS (version and activeMQ (verions 3) are supported. You may experience problem if you use other versions.
Please also note, since we are currently using our own message filtering for simple topic filtering and XPath filtering. These underlying messaging systems may experience problem since they are not tested with each latest release.
The easiest way to start the broker is using the embeded activeMQ as the underlying messaging system. This is the way we are currently using in our LEAD project.
You don't need to install activeMQ or start activeMQ server. The activeMQ
jar file is included in the downloaded zip file. To start the server, run
the following command from WSMG_Home/bin directory:
java wsmg.Server -port 12345 -carrier activeMQ
Note: "activeMQ" is specified as carrier.
You need to run from bin directory since I use "../config/db.config" to specify the config file location. You can also modify startServer.sh in the bin directory if you are running in UNIX.
First, start openJMS (Please see user guide for openjms on how to install
and start openjms server. It is very easy to install.). You MUST start
openjms BEFORE runing the command.
Then, run the following command from WSMG_Home/bin
java wsmg.Server -port 12345 -carrier openJms -carrierLocation
Note: "openjms" is specified as carrier.
You need to run from bin directory since I use "../config/db.config" to specify the config file location. You can also modify startServer.sh in the bin directory if you are running in UNIX.
First, start NaradaBrokering. You MUST start NaradaBrokering
BEFORE runing the command. See user guide for NaradaBrokering on how to
start NaradaBrokering.
Then, run:
java wsmg.Server -port 12345 -carrier narada -carrierLocation
Note: "narada" is specified as carrier. The
carrierLocation specifies the location of the NaradaBrokering. port is the
port that the broker is listening for requests.